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Information about WDSO for STUDENTS:

  • The WDSO is an inclusive club that is open to all CHS students.
  • The point of the club is to ensure that programs are played on the radio station and that DJing occurs as frequent as possible.
  • Students in the club benefit from taking the radio and tv classes however the classes are not required for the club.
  • If you are in a sport or another club you can also be in WDSO, we will work around your schedule.
  • The before and after school schedules are determined at the required monthly meeting. If you cannot make the monthly meeting let the program director, teacher or radio station manager know.
  • Experienced students teach new students how to operate the equipment. This could be done at any time.
  • The SRT (study period) is 7th Block and it can be used to DJ or do other work for the radio station.
  • DJing is the main point of WDSO, but you can help with promotions, podcasting, technology, and other work that needs to be done at that radio station as well.
  • Joining the WDSO club gives students the real-life experience of working at a fully operational FM station heard all over the Duneland community.

For information about when the next WDSO Club meeting is email Emily Fletcher or talk to any student staff member.