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Championship History

10 National Titles 

1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2005, 2016*

*NSDA has discontinued National Titles; in 2016 CHS won the School of Outstanding Distinction Award; their highest award given

24 State Speech Titles

1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1993, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2010, 2017

29 State Debate Titles

1983, 1986, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019

IHSFA Coaching Staff Hall Of Fame Members

Inducted in 1980 - Glen Percifield

Inducted in 1981 - Joe Wycoff*

Inducted in 1992 - James Cavallo* and Robert Kelly*

Inducted in 1994 - Carol Biel

Inducted in 1996 - Barbara Funke

Inducted in 2014 - Chris Lowery

*denotes NSDA National Hall of Fame Membership

 Individual Speech Championships


Greg Odle (1975), Alex Cook (2005), Trinadi Shires (2007), Dakota McCoy (2010), Dakota McCoy (2011), Eric Dreischerf (2013), Nathan Dickenson (2014), Mattea Sklut (2021)

Congressional Debate 

Chris Hauschildt (1986), Joe Wycoff (1988 - Senate), Garth Shaner (1988 - House), Scott Bozik (1993), Molly Deuberry (1998), John Jernigan (2000), John Jernigan (2001), Rachel Wyatt (2006), Adam Potrzebowski (2010), Paul Petro (2018)


Shelly Krause (1984), Joe Wycoff (1986), Cathie Bennett (1987)


Ben Beringer (1983), Steve Taylor (1987), Paul Babcock (2000), Hannah Geiss (2016), Hannah Geiss (2017)



Duo Interpretation

Dan Stevens and Liz Sorrells (1981), Jeff Lanter and Shannon Skeffington (1988), Catherine Keane and Jason Wickman (1991)

Dramatic Interpretation

Jim Franson (1975), Jim Franson (1976), Greg Dolph (1980), Greg Dolph (1982), Jodi Hurst (1984), Jodi Hurst (1986), Joe Wycoff (1988), Cassie Dommer (1993), Amy Alsman (1994), Maggie Fleck (1995), Maggie Fleck (1997), Amanda Penrose (1998), Nathan Whitmer (2002), Lily Roberts (2021)

Extemporaneous Speaking

Ken Tuttle (1975 - boys extemp), Leah Mayes (1980 - girls extemp), Jim Malackowski (1981 - boys extemp), Amy Kovalan (1983 - girls extemp), Carter Gilmer (1986 - International), Tom Biel (1987 - Domestic), Heather Ransford (1990 - Domestic), Greg Lanter (1991 - Domestic), Jenny Bennett (1993 - Domestic), Brian Showers (1995 - Domestic), Candine Kenney (1997 - International), Mike Rowe (1999 - Domestic), John Jernigan (2001 - International), Tyler Fabbri (2010 - Domestic)

Humorous Interpretation

Greg Dolph (1982), Margaret Diaz-Padilla (1983), Jodi Hurst (1985), Joe Wycoff (1987), Joe Wycoff (1988), Michelle Petty (1989), Adam Wagner (1999), Adam Wagner (2001), Eric Shaefer (2007)


Owen Sutkowski (2002), Tyler Fabbri (2009), Adam Potzebowski (2010), Tim Vincent (2016), Hayden Hodge (2017)


Amy Kovalan (1984), Tom Marlowe (1990), Tonya Hise (1993), Jason Burge (1996), Matt Gregoline (2000), Ankur Chawla (2009), Abby Burke (2014), Abby Burke (2015), Hannah Geiss (2017), Camma Duhamell (2018)

Original Oratory

Debbie Wahl (1973), Debbie Wahl (1974), Debbie Wahl (1975), Mark Oates (1978), Donna Messina (1979), Kristi Stathis (1981), Kendy Genovese (1984), Jim Skeffington (1985), Steve Bair (1986), Cathie Bennett (1987), Michelle Petty (1989), Lynette Aponte (1990), Ingrid Carson (1994), Liz Fox (2004), Hayley Miller (2010), Noelle Friel (2017)

Original Performance

Alison Vodnoy (2004), Keerat Basra and Megan Bernth (2017)

Poetry Interpretation

Kelly Slater (1989), Kelly Slater (1990), Carm Hise (1991)

Policy Debate

Suzy Senay and Bill Meyer (1977), Susan Quartuch and Amy Kovalan (1983), Mark Jensen and Corey Amundson (1989), Mark Jensen and Corey Amundson (1990), Mike Horvath and Scott Bozik (1992), Jenny Bennett and Sharon Welsh (1993), Kelsee Waggoner and Chad Walters (1994), Brian Showers and Chad Walters (1995), Katie Lowery and Brian Showers (1996), Chris Lowery and Michael Rowe (1998), Joel Cavallo and Paul Babcock (2000), John Jernigan and Seren Orgel (2002), Jenny Starcevich and Abby Deuberry (2003), Kevin Small and AJ Rodriguez (2005), Sam Lahti and Tess Mullin (2006), Kalina Smith and Victoria Simms (2012), Tim Vincent and Joel Peterson (2015), Tim Vincent and Joel Peterson (2016), Matt Jewison and Ben Hoham (2018), Ryan Donovan and Ethan Dibble (2019), Mark Jewison and Milena Veltri (2020)

Public Forum Debate

Ryan Anderson and Mike Dunlap (2004), Kate Weber and Beau Rajsic (2006), Tyler Fabbri and Michael Hadley (2008), Spencer Hadley and Luke Morgan (2009), Tommy Biel and Jordan Hoover (2010)

Program of Oral Interp (POI)

AJ Stirling (2018), AJ Stirling (2019), Lily Roberts (2021)

Prose Interpretation

Cassie Dommer (1993), John Paul Benitez (2001)

Individiual National Championships

Greg Dolph - Dramatic Interpretation 1982 National Champion

Steve Bair - Original Oratory 1986 National Champion

Joe Wycoff - Original Oratory 1987 National Champion

Joe Wycoff - Humorous Intepretration 1987 National Champion

Cassie Dommer - Poetry Interpetation 1991 National Champion

Tom Marlowe - Lincoln-Douglas Debate 1991 National Champion

John Jernigan - International Extemporaneous 2002 National Champion

Liz Fox - Original Oratory 2004 National Champion

Tyler Fabbri - Domestic Extemporaneous 2010 National Champion

Other notable National Performances

Kevin McGinty - Congressional Debate 3rd place 1971

Chris Wahlers - Impromptu National Runner up 1983

Margaret Diaz-Padilla - Humorous Interp 4th place 1983

Kendy Genovese - Dramatic Interp 3rd place 1983 

Kendy Genovese - Dramatic Interp National Runner up 1984

Kendy Genovese - Oratory 3rd place 1984

Jim Skeffington - Oratory 6th place 1984

Joe Wycoff - Oratory 5th place 1985

Jim Skeffington - Dramatic Interp 6th place 1985

Jodi Hurst - Humorous Interp 6th place 1985

Nadine Schaeffer - Lincoln-Douglas 13th place 1985

Jodi Hurst - Humorous Interp National Runner-up 1986

Joe Wycoff - Dramatic Interp 5th place 1988

Joe Wycoff - Oratory 3rd place 1988

Adam Anderson - Congressional Debate 4th in 1988

Heather Ransford - Congressional Debate 10th 1988

Michael Gotch - Oratory National Runner up 1988

Joe Wycoff - Dramatic Interp 5th place 1988

Joe Wycoff - Oratory 3rd place 1988

Heather Ransford - Congressional Debate 8th  1989

Adam Anderson - Lincoln Douglas Debate National Runner Up 1989

Kelly Slater - Oratory 4th place 1990

Greg Lanter - US Extemp 3rd place 1991

Cassie Dommer - Oratory 4th place 1992

Cassie Dommer - Oratory 4th place 1993

Ingrid Carson - Oratory 4th place 1994

Zach Ebner - Oratory 5th place at NCFL 1998

Nathan Whitmer - Declamation National Runner up at NCFL 2000

Brendan Balfe - Humorous Interp 3rd at NCFL 2000

John Paul Benitez - Oratory 4th place 2001

Josh Craig - Oratory 5th place at NCFL 2001

Nate Whitmer and Joanne Dubach - Duo Interpretation 4th 

Evan Oliver - Impromptu 3rd in 2003

Tyler DeMar - Impromptu - 5th in 2006

Kristin Kalita - Oratory 5th place at NCFL 2006

Tyler Fabbri - Domestic Extemp - 5th place 2009

Adam Potrzebowski - Congressional Senate - 4th place 2009

Luke Morgan - Congressional House - 7th place 2009