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Speech & Debate


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Chesterton High School Speech & Debate Program


Celebrating over 50 years of Pride, Tradition, and Excellence

Established in 1967 with the support of local residents Michael and Sue Harris the team has strived to live up to its motto of 'Pride, Tradition, and Excellence' from its foundation.  Boasting 10 National Titles, 29 State Debate Titles, 24 State Speech Titles, 3 Bruno E. Jacob Awards (only public school in the country to achieve this honor) the program continues to honor the legacy of its past while embracing change to remain competitive in the current day.  

The team remains open to any and all students at Chesterton High School.  Keeping costs limited allows the team to provide the academic benefits of the activity to as many students as possible; fullfilling part of the mission of public education in the United States.  The academic benefits of Speech and Debate are enormous... 


 Indiana's partnership for 21st Century Skills identified that 95.4% of all respondants listed Oral             Communication as the most important applied skill for those that they hire with a four year degree.       Collaboration, Work Ethic, Written Communication, and Critical Thinking were the top five answers                       for respondents - these are the exact skills that Speech and Debate perfects.


 "I think debating in High School and College is the most valuable training whether for politics, the law, business or for service on community committees such as the PTA and the League of Women Voters... I wish we had a good deal more debating in our educational institutions than we do now." 

                                                                     - President John F. Kennedy 


Contact Chris Lowery, Director of Speech & Debate -