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IB Courses

For the IB diploma, students must choose one course from each of the first five groups.  Three must be HL (higher level -- two-year courses) and the other three will be SL (standard level).  One SL course may be taken in Grade 11. 
Group 1 -- Studies in Language and Literature
Group 2 -- Language Acquisition
Group 3 -- Individuals and Societies
Group 4 -- Science
Group 5 -- Mathematics
Group 6 -- Fine Arts
Other diploma program components:

Theory of Knowledge (TOK):  Two semesters of time during SRT (student resource time) for Theory of Knowledge.  This is a discovery-course  exploring "why and how we have come to know the things we do."  It is a time for students to contemplate the nature of learning.  This course encourages an understanding of part of the IB mission statement that "all people with their differences may also be right."

Creativity, Action, Service (CAS):  This feature is also discussed and guidance is given during SRT.  This is a student-led feature of the program.  The CAS supervisor offers guidance regarding what is acceptable but the supervisor does not determine what students choose to do to earn these points.
Extended Essay (EE):  This part is begun in Grade 11 with guidance from the EE Supervisor.  Over the program duration, students choose a topic to investigate in depth with guidance from a subject mentor teacher.  Through carefully monitored activities and over many months, each IB student will produce a 4000-word essay which will be sent to an IB examiner for review and grading.