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Extra/Cocurricular Activities

Extracurricular Home Page


Many scholastic competitions involving the subject areas of art, computers, English, foreign language, etc. are available to students of varying academic abilities at every grade level. The CHS faculty enthusiastically encourages students to participate and be involved in these academic events. Throughout the school year, the Duneland Academic Conference in union with the IACE (Indiana Competitions for Excellence) sponsors and supports many of the competitions available to CHS students. Descriptions of some of the key competitions are as follows:

DECATHLON is a nationally organized competition consisting of ten events. Six are multiple choice test in math, science, economics, language and literature, social science, and fine arts. Additionally, students perform a prepared and an impromptu speech, write an essay, and are interviewed by a panel of business persons. The final event—Super Quiz—is a scholastic relay on the theme topic for the year. A high school team must include nine students: three A (honors), three B (scholastic), and three C (varsity). On an individual level, students compete for awards only against students in his or her level. Local and regional competitions in December and January send the top twenty statewide teams to the prestigious two-day state finals in February at Purdue. The team winning state represents Indiana in April at Nationals vying for scholarship money and nationwide recognition.
Sponsor: Mr. Hewitt
For more information, please email the sponsor.


ACADEMIC SUPERBOWL is a local and state competition involving five member teams of students from all grade levels. Teams in math, science, social studies, fine arts, English, and all around compete in twenty question rounds in each subject area. All questions are related to a theme topic for the year. Teams and not individuals are recognized as winners in this competition. Subject area teams can advance from local and regional competition to the state finals in Indianapolis. Winning teams at state are recognized statewide by IACE and sponsoring business organizations.
Sponsor: Mr. Hewitt
For more information, please email the sponsor


JAPANESE OLYMPIAD The Japanese Olympiad of Indiana is an academic competition for second, third and fourth-year Japanese students with categories including speaking, culture, kanji characters,proverbs, listening, geography, history, and onomatopoeic expressions.  CHS has won the Japan Bowl/Japanese Olympiad state championship twenty one times along with three national Japan Bowl championships and one national runner-up.
Sponsor: Mr. Sparks
For more information, please email the sponsors.


SPELL BOWL is a local and state competition involving a team of ten students from all grade levels. Teams compete to compile the most words spelled correctly. Each student acts individually on a different set of words. Teams can advance from local and regional competition to the state finals in Indianapolis. Winning teams are recognized statewide.
Sponsor: Mrs. Jendrzejczyk
For more information, please email the sponsor.


QUIZ BOWL is a local scholastic competition among members of the Duneland Academic Conference. Participating schools meet in team competition to answer questions taken from all academic disciplines. A buzzer and light electronic lock-out system is used to determine which team gets the first chance to answer questions. There is emphasis placed on the ability to quickly recall information. Opportunity exists for competition at both the Varsity and Junior Varsity levels. The teams with the best records in conference play may advance to a state-wide tournament of champions. The CHS Quiz Bowl team enters other tournaments when possible. The team also participates in the Knowledge Master Open two times a year. This is a worldwide competition which involves answering multiple choice questions presented on a computer disk.
Sponsor: Mr. Hackett
For more information, please email the sponsor.


MATHEMATICS COMPETITION involves students of high ability in mathematics and span national, state and local competitions. Indiana Math League, American Mathematics Competition Exam, American Invitational Mathematics Exam, U.S. Mathematics Olympiad, MATHFAX, and Trig STAR are among the competitions that take place at various times throughout the school year. Awards and local, statewide, and national recognition are given to outstanding individuals and teams.
Sponsor: Mr. Hackett 
For more information, please email the sponsor


SCIENCE OLYMPIAD is a nationally recognized competition that allows the teams to compete in a variety of science endeavors.  All Science topics are covered at some point during the competition.  The team members can choose their events and their favorite science topics. The events include building events that will allow the team members to compete against other teams, lab based events and test based events.
Sponsor: Mr. Hennigar
For more information, please email the sponsor.




This club is for Anime fans! We watch anime, draw, cosplay, play games, and have been to Cons as a club. If you are interested, please join us.
Sponsor: Mrs. Tsugawa
For more information, please email the sponsor.


This club consists of High School students who love the Arts and cannot seem to get enough of them throughout the school day. Art Club projects and activities range from year to year. All projects are rooted in student exploration of new media and processes and always focus on individual creativity. Students are asked to work collaboratively as a team on various projects such as set designs for the theater department, participating in exhibitions and contests, creating items for auction for local organizations, as well as beautifying our school and community. Meeting dates are posted in the announcements. New members are always welcome.
Sponsor: Mr. Willis
For more information, please email the sponsors.



This club for all Asian cultures to gather and discuss their own backgrounds. This club will also be fundraising for Childhope Philippines, a non-government organization or NGO fo rchildren in the Philippines.  This NGO helps put underprivileged children in a healthier environment. 
Sponsor: Mr. Schultz
For more information, please email the sponsors. 



This club is dedicated to the development of interest and competencies in business occupations. Members of this national organization attend meetings and compete with other area schools in business-related contests including interview skills, presentation events, and computer contests. District-level contest winners advance to an annual state conference in Indianapolis in the spring. Members raise their own funds to help finance these events and, when possible, provide scholarship money to our own senior members of BPA. Any student may join BPA, and several colleges recognize membership and achievements in the form of scholarships.
Sponsor: Mrs. Lopez-Gonzalez, PhD
For more information, please email the sponsor.

CHEERLEADERS promote school spirit and represent the school at a variety of activities, especially athletics. There is a Maroon Squad and a Gold Squad. Any student interested in cheerleading must attend the tryout clinic plus audition before the cheerleading coaches. Those chosen must maintain a high standard of conduct. Cheerleaders follow the IHSAA eligibility rules.
The cheerleaders attend a cheerleading clinic and have regular practice sessions during the summer. Beginning in August and lasting through March, they practice one or two nights a week. During the same period, they are expected to attend all games required by the coaches. Other activities may need to be attended, such as sign painting sessions, throughout the year.
For more information, please email the coach.



This club creates handmade cards and distributes them to various organizations and locations.  They plan on creating cards every month for Children's Hospitals around the nation, veteran associations in Chesterton, Nursing Homes, Essential Workers, Teachers, and personal cards for friends and family.                                                                                                                                                                                                     Sponsor: Erin Cochran 
For more information, please email the sponsor.



This club is an after-school chess club that provides CHS students with an opportunity to gather for companionship to play chess and other games of strategy. All students, from beginners to experienced chess players, are welcome to attend.
Sponsor: Mr. DeRuntz
For more information, please email the sponsor.



This club is an extracurricular activity that encourages students to become active participants in the natural world. The group stresses education, stewardship and hands-on experience. Activities include environmental restoration work, habitat cleaning, meeting with environmental activists, and much more. All students interested in helping to care for the natural world are encouraged to join.
Sponsor: Mrs. Wallace
For more information, please email the sponsor



Creative Writing Club is a club in which students can share their written work from any genre in a supportive atmosphere and get constructive feedback from fellow scribes  Bring your writing and a thoughtful and accepting mindest- we would love to see you!
Sponsor: Mrs. Lute-Brown
For more information, please email the sponsor 


Is a team of dancers that will perform at games and also compete at dance competitions.  Routines focus on Pom, Kick, Jazz, and Hip Hop routines with a heavy emphasis on showcasing traditional dance techniques.
Sponsor: Mr. Gillman
For more information, please email the sponsor.

This club is open to students of all genders who are interested in discussing and working to improve issues related to gender inequality. Girls Rising also sponsors an annual donation drive to collect feminine hygiene products for area women's shelters.  
Sponsor: Mrs. Wilt 
For more information, please email the sponsor
This is a club for girls that teaches participants about Computer Science in a fun and safe environment! The club promotes a safe and supportive sisterhood of peers and role models. No previous coding experience is necessary. The club meets on Mondays after school in room A531.
Sponsor: Ms. O'Connell
For more information, please email the sponsors.
This is an opportunity for students to get hands-on experience learning about plant health and maintenance by contributing to the school courtyard garden.  During the winter months, we also learn about other facets of horticulture like floral design.   The experience is student-driven, so if you're passionate about plants you're our kind of person.
Sponsor: Mrs. Smoker
For more information, please email the sponsor.
This is a nonprofit, volunteer organization that meets 2-4 times per month. The club takes on fundraisers that benefit various causes. The club also puts on tournaments and fun events throughout the school year to benefit these fundraisers. Students learn the value of service over self throughout the school year. Interact club is great volunteer experience and looks great on college applications and resumes. Anyone is eligible to join; all are welcome! 
Sponsor: Mrs. Nygra
For more information, please email the sponsor


This is the high school version of Kiwanis, which is a community service-based organization. We volunteer in the community and fundraise to be able to support local organizations
Sponsor: Mrs. Vivian
For more information, please email the sponsor.

This is a SCUBA diving course that culminates in a 5-day summer trip to a marine research facility in Key Largo, FL.  Prior to leaving for Key Largo students will take courses to certify them as licensed SCUBA divers.  Once students receive their lifetime SCUBA diving certificate, they will travel to the Florida Keys to dive on reefs, shipwrecks, and will even get to experience a fully functional underwater laboratory.  Between dives, students will learn about the indigenous life in the Keys and will gain a greater understanding of Marine Science as a whole.  This program is designed to provide students an alternative approach to learning, allowing them to tangibly experience what is taught in the classroom and labs.  The course is open to students grade 9-12, but program size is limited to 9 or 18.  Class (grade), academics, and teacher recommendations are all factors to be considered for participants.  
Sponsors: Mr. Paff and Mr. Schultz 
For more information, please email Mr. Paff or Mr. Schultz
Interested in a career in law? This club allows you to experience the real feeling of our judicial system, practice defense and prosecuting skills or see how it feels from the witness' perspective.  This club will also compete in mock trial competitions with area schools. 
Sponsor: Ms. Kristina Walton
For more information, please email the sponsors.
This program is based on the premise that adolescents seek help from their friends before they turn to other sources. Within each circle of friends and acquaintances, there is often an individual whose sensitivity, fair-mindedness, and ability to listen are recognized by peers. By means of a school-wide survey, the Natural Helpers program seeks out such individuals and offers an intensive training retreat to enhance the skills of those students, faculty, and staff who are perceived as “helpers” in the school community.
Sponsor: Mrs. Vivian
For more information, please email the sponsor.



This program is based on the premise that adolescents seek help from their friends before they turn to other sources. Within each circle of friends and acquaintances, there is often an individual whose sensitivity, fair-mindedness, and ability to listen are recognized by peers. By means of a school-wide survey, the Natural Helpers program seeks out such individuals and offers an intensive training retreat to enhance the skills of those students, faculty, and staff who are perceived as “helpers” in the school community.
Sponsor: Mrs. Vivian
For more information, please email the sponsor.



This is a student-to-student tutoring opportunity for anything from Bio 1, Geometry, Algebra 1, to Chemistry. This can be taken for a class credit or you can aide during your SRT or studyhall.  NHS volunteer hours wil apply for aides.  This group also participates in service projects
Sponsor: Mrs. Goodman
For more information, please email the sponsor.



It is a student-led club that specializes in helping students prepare for the SAT/ACT/PSAT.  We meet once a week, go over a certain section of the tests, whether that is Reading, Writing, Math, or Science, and talk about the strategies that will help them to succeed in that section.  The club runs throughout the whole year.
Sponsor: Mr. Ward
For more information, please email the sponsor.



Sponsor: Mr, Hackett 
For more information, please email the sponsor.



Russian Club meets monthly to explore the arts, culture, history, currents events, customs, and cuisine of Russia. Field trips are also organized to Russian cultural sites and neighborhoods in the Chicagoland area. 
Sponsor: Mr. Lombardo
For more information, please email the sponsor.


SEGO CLUB (Self Esteem Growth Organization) 

Do you feel like you're alone? Made fun of by others and not allowed to be your true self? Or maybe you're being left out during conversations and activities? If any of these things is the case for you at school or anywhere else, SEGO might be able to help.  We will have conversations and activities which focus on letting the members be themselves and dealing with their feelings. 
Sponsor: Mrs. Dean
For more information, please email the sponsor.


 NEWSPAPER STAFF members publish SANDSCRIPT, and in the process, learn what is involved in gathering and preparing news for publication. Students gather all information, write and copyedit stories, layout and paste-up pages, sell advertising, and proofread final copy on pages. Staff members must be willing to accept responsibility and carry out assignments. While some positions on the newspaper require only the recommendation of an English teacher and permission of the advisor, editor candidates must have completed 1-4 semesters of journalism and filled out an editor application. The staff enrolls in a course that meets one block every other day each semester for one credit in Communications. In addition to in-class time, the staffers can expect to sometimes spend time after school, on weekends, during school year extended breaks, and during summer vacation working on the newspaper.  Photographers are required to attend sporting and other events if they are assigned to these events. Knowledge of the use of computers is definitely a plus.
Sponsor: Mr. Lukach
For more information, please email the sponsor.



Sponsor: Mr. Stento & Mrs. Flynn-Smith
For more information,  please email Mr. Stento or Mrs. Flynn-Smith

This is a group of students who respect and promote the dignity of all life. We have morning meetings throughout the school year to discuss upcoming events such as attending right to life banquets, pro-life community service projects, and social events. We welcome all students who believe life is sacred.
Sponsor: Mrs. Stahura
For more information, please email the sponsor.


This is an experiential learning summer history course that incorporates wilderness backpacking with our nation's rich history. Each summer, Trail Bound combines in-class learning with a unique field experience that takes us to a different part of the country, where we visit and study at our nation's historical sites, as well as wilderness backpack in our nation's national parks and wilderness areas.
Sponsor: Mr. DeRuntz
For more information, please email the sponsor.



Chesterton High School’s own educational FM station. The station serves a 90 square mile area broadcasting throughout the Duneland Community and in the nearby communities of Portage and Valparaiso. WDSO-FM supplies up-to-the-minute news, weather, sports coverage, music, special features, and live coverage of major Duneland sports activities. Students are involved in all phases of broadcasting and broadcast management.
Sponsor: Mr. Waters
For more information, please email the sponsor.


YEARBOOK STAFF members publish SINGING SANDS, and in the process, learn magazine and book production techniques. Staff members do all of the preparation, from selling advertisements and subscriptions to designing the cover and pages of the book to arranging for all photography to be used in the book, to gathering all the information to be used as copies in the book. In addition, staff members must also write headlines, captions, and body copy, layout pages, and index them, among other duties. Staff members must be willing to accept responsibility and carry out assignments. While some positions on the yearbook staff require only the recommendation of an English teacher and permission of the advisor, editor candidates must have completed 1-4 semesters of journalism and completed an editor's application. The staff enrolls in a course that meets one block every other day all year for two credits in Communications. In addition to in-class time, the staffers can sometimes expect to spend time after school, on weekends, during the school year extended breaks, and during summer vacation working on the newspaper. Photographers are required to attend sporting and other events if they are assigned to these events. Knowledge of the use of computers is a plus.
Sponsor: Mrs. Jendrzejczyk
For more information, please email the sponsor.



All students are eligible to participate except students actively engaged in an organized CHS sport during that sport’s season. (example: if you are playing varsity basketball you cannot play intramural basketball during that same time period.) No student should hesitate to come out for intramurals.  A fee is charged for each sport to partially defray expenses, including trophies. A lane fee is charged for bowling. All events are supervised and refereed. The specific rules governing participation are explained at the beginning of each season and only students who feel they can abide by the rules should remain out for the sport. Conduct at intramurals will be treated the same during the school day.

The following is a tentative schedule. Most sports meet twice each week, either immediately after school or in the evening:

Co-Ed Basketball; evenings during the third quarter

Co-Ed Volleyball; evenings during the fourth quarter

Sponsor: Mr. Paff
For more information, please email the sponsor.



INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC Woodwind and Brass instrumentalists MUST enroll in band for the ENTIRE school year. This is done by enrolling in either Intermediate Concert Band 1 (Concert Band) or Advanced Concert Band 1 (Trojan Guard marching band) during the first semester, and then enrolling in either Intermediate Concert Band 2 (Symphonic Band), or Advanced Concert Band 2 (Wind Ensemble) during the second semester. All woodwind and brass instrumentalists (8th grade through 11th grade) are given the opportunity to audition for the CHS Wind Ensemble during early spring. The results of this audition will determine which second semester ensemble the student should schedule. In order to enroll in the CHS Jazz Ensemble, Woodwind, Brass and Percussion, students MUST be enrolled in their respective concert ensemble for the entire year. (e.g. Orchestra and/or Band)
Sponsor: Mr. Bess
For more information, please email the sponsor.


APPLIED MUSIC is for students who have never played an instrument before, as well as serious student musicians who are looking to learn a secondary woodwind, brass, or orchestral string instrument (violin, viola, cello, bass). Students will concentrate on gaining beginning skills on one instrument only. Students will be evaluated weekly on their level of performance and degree of improvement. Instrument choices for this class will NOT include: percussion instruments, acoustic or electric guitars, or electric bass guitar.
Sponsor: Ms. Morris 
For more information, please email the sponsor.


CONCERT BANDS are divided into the Symphonic Band (composed of aspiring musicians) and the Wind Ensemble (composed of exceptional musicians) and meets for one 90 minute block period. All band members are accepted only after auditions. Uniforms are furnished, and large instruments may be rented from the school. Instruction focuses on the techniques of playing, and members learn standard and contemporary works of music suitable for concert performance. As many as 20 hours of time outside class may be required for technical rehearsals, concerts, and contests.
Sponsor: Mr. Bess
For more information, please email the sponsor.


ORCHESTRA meets for one block period all year. This group learns the techniques of playing string instruments and studies the music performed by symphonic orchestras. In addition to class time, the orchestra performs in concert several times during the year and members should anticipate as mush as 30 evening hours spent outside of class in technical rehearsals and concerts. Auditions are required and are held by special arrangement. Instruments may be rented from the high school Music Department.
Sponsor: Mr. Grenier
For more information, please email the sponsor


TROJAN GUARD or Marching Band concentrates on the performance of competitive field shows and has won State and National Marching Band Championships. The Guard marches competitively in the fall, and performs for football games in the fall. During marching seasons, the units practice two nights a week. The Guard meets as a class during the first nine weeks only for one 90-minute block. After the first nine-week block period, this group becomes a concert band.
Sponsor: Mr. Bess
For more information, Please email the sponsor


CAMERATA (Intermediate/Advanced Mixed Choir) is a mixed ensemble for Juniors and Seniors and meets as a class for one 90 minute block period all year. During class time, attention is given to techniques of group singing and to various types of vocal music suitable for ensemble singing. The outside-of-class efforts of this group involve concerts given at school and in the community, including Madrigal Dinners. In addition to the 90 minute block period in class, choir members are expected to devote approximately 30 hours after school during the year for technical rehearsals and concerts. Admission by audition only and permission of the directors.
Sponsor: Miss Morris
For more information, please email the sponsor.


BEL CANTO (Inermediate Women's Choir) is a Women's Choir and meets as a class for one 90 minute block period all year.  Admission by audition only and permission of the directors. 
Sponsor: Miss Morris
For more information, please email the sponsor.


CONCERT CHOIR (Beginning Mixed Choir) is a mixed choir for Freshman and Sophomores only. Three performances per year are given with 2-4 extra rehearsals. One contest is attended in the spring.
Sponsor: Miss Morris
For more information, please email the sponsor.


DRIFTERS (Advanced Mixed Show Choir) Womens' ensemble (9-12). The group will perform all types of music, participate in competition, and perform around the community and the Madrigal Dinner. Admission by audition only and permission of the director.
Sponsor: Miss Morris
For more information, please email the sponsor.


SANDPIPERS (Advanced Mixed Show Choir)  is a mixed ensemble of students who present programs of currently popular vocal music. The activities include sing-outs, competitions, and concerts at high school and community functions. Members may spend as much as 240 hours after school each year in rehearsals and performances including Madrigal Dinners. Acceptance is by audition only and permission of the director.
Sponsor: Miss Morris
For more information, please email the sponsor.


JAZZ BAND is a group of 18-25 high school musicians who study America’s unique style of music known as “Jazz.” The band performs in local concerts, as well as jazz festivals, competitions, and concerts around the Midwest. The jazz band looks forward to performing each year with a big-name jazz artist at the annual All That Jazz concert at CHS. The band practices and performs during and after school and on several weekends through the spring. Auditions are held in the spring, or by special appointment with the director.
Sponsor: Mr. Bess
For more information, please email the sponsor.


PERCUSSION I is made up of the field percussion ensemble for the “Trojan Guard” marching band. These members perform later in the semester as part of the mass Christmas Concert Band. Members also work to perform several traditional and contemporary styles of percussion literature for the annual Indiana State School Music Associations’ solo and ensemble contest. Membership is primarily high school percussionists with previous instrumental experience in middle school. However, others are accepted with the permission of the director.
Sponsor: Mr. Bess
For more information, please email the sponsor.


PEP BAND this is made up of and students.  Membership is through Mr. Arizzi.  The pep band plays pep band music to cheer on the CHS basketball teams.
Sponsor: Mr. Arizzi
For more information, please email the sponsors.


PERCUSSION II is a class devoted to the study of concert percussion music. Students are divided into Wind Ensemble percussionists and Symphonic Band percussionists by auditions. The class as a whole will work to perform music for their own percussion concert entitle A Drum Enchanted Evening. As much as 30 hours of outside time may be required for technical rehearsals, concerts, and contests. Acceptance is with permission of the director only.
Sponsor: Mr. Bess
For more information, please email the sponsor


AUXILARY UNIT is a marching color guard with accompanies the “Trojan Guard” marching band in parades, field competitions, and during football games. It meets as a class during the first semester. The Auxiliary Unit is chosen from all grade levels, and the major requirements are natural ability, interest, and attitude. Auditions are held each spring in April.
Sponsor: Mr. Bess
For more information, please email the sponsor


COMPETITION UNIT is a class devoted to the development and enhancement of advanced color guard skills through competition. These skills include the use of rifles, sabers, and flags while performing the body skills of traditional and contemporary dance. Members are selected by audition from those students performing with the Auxiliary Unit of the “Trojan Guard” marching band which meets during the first academic quarter. The group competes in Indiana from February to April as part of the Indiana High School Color Guard Circuit and a national level with Winter Guard International. Rehearsals are two nights per week with competitions on Saturdays.
Sponsor: Mr. Bess
For more information, please email the sponsor



TRI-M MUSIC HONOR SOCIETY  is designed to recognize students for their academic and musical achievements, reward them for their accomplishments and service activities, and to inspire other students to excel at music and leadership.  
Ms. Morris 
For more information, please email the sponsor.


NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY is an organization of national scope designed to recognize outstanding high school students. Only juniors and seniors are eligible for membership, which is based on academic achievement and teacher evaluation of character, leadership, and service. Invitations to apply for membership are extended during the second semester of the junior year to all juniors and seniors who at that time have a cumulative grade point average of 3.200 or higher. They are a community-orientated organization supporting worthwhile causes in the Duneland Community.  
Sponsor: Mr. Neuliep
For more information, please email the sponsor.




Fall Play 
Sponsor: TBD
For more information, please email the sponsor.


Children's Play 
Sponsor: Mrs. Wilt & Mr. Justin Martinson
For more information    please email Mrs. Wilor Mr.Justin Martinson


SPEECH AND DEBATE activities center around meets between our teams and those from other schools, as well as participation in local speech contests. There are three major areas with subdivisions: Speech has both novice and varsity levels; the debate has a novice, sub-varsity, and varsity; and congress has only one level for all participants.

It is not necessary to have had experience in speech and debate in order to be on one of the teams. The only things we ask of a non-experienced student are interest and desire. Speech and debate is one of those areas to which one can devote a lot of time or a little time. Obviously, the more time spent in practice and attending meets, the better the student becomes. Coaches are available each night after school from approximately 2:45-5 p.m. It is also possible to meet a coach by special arrangement during non-class times during the day. Practice meets are held on Saturdays. Unfortunately, many of the Saturday meets are held some distance from Chesterton, and it is not unusual for the teams to leave the school at 4 a.m. and return some twelve hours later (the teams travel over 4000 miles annually). Transportation is always furnished, and the teams are always accompanied by faculty coaches and/or parent judges. Team members must pay for their own meals and travel expenses.

Our speech and debate teams are known throughout the state (and nation) for their excellence.  Our debaters have won 16 state championships. Since 1971 more than 100 speech and debate students have qualified for the national tournament. Six students have won national championships. Since 1982, Chesterton has placed in the top ten at the National Speech and Debate Tournament, and has been the National Speech and Debate Champion for 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, and 1993. The team has also won the prestigious Bruno E. Jacob Trophy for cumulative success twice in the last seven years. No other school in the nation has accomplished this feat.
Sponsor: Mr. Lowery
For more information, please email the sponsor.



STUDENT GOVERNMENT is a leadership and service organization that represents the student body.  The executive board consists of: President, Vice President of Student Affairs, Vice President of Event Planning, Vice President of Public Relations, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, and Administrative Assistant.  Each class is also represented by 4 Senators that are elected by the student body in the spring.  The House of Representatives meets monthly and consists of representatives from every club and sport at CHS.
Sponsor: Mr. Starkey
For more information, please email the sponsor.


YOUNG CONSERVATIVES CLUB is an organization that allows students to participate in politics and discuss current events
Sponsor: Mr.Coots
For more information, please email the sponsor


YOUNG DEMOCRATS CLUB  is an organization designed to promote more voter participation and to provide information to our students about the upcoming election.
Sponsor: Mrs. Zervos
For more information, please email the sponsor.




Theatre provides opportunities for you to express yourself as no other medium can. As an actor, actress, or technical support person, you will create new and interesting people who live in as many settings as the mind can imagine. Your creations will give audiences cause to laugh, cry, and reflect on life.

Theatre productions include comedy, serious drama, music, and a combination of the three. Each production requires many hours after school. The production company works very hard to present performances that are unequaled. The work is fun, frustrating, and fulfilling.

Watch and listen for announcements of tryouts. When they are made, contact the Production Director or the Theatre Director for details of the production.

The COSTUME CREW creates costumes based on the time, setting and mood of the play. Certain productions will be costumed entirely by you while others are rented from theatre houses. Those that you create will require you to know a little about sewing. They will also put your imagination to work as you develop clothing for so many people of different places and times. Costumes that are rented from major costume suppliers will give you an opportunity to see and work with other people’s ideas.

The MAKE-UP CREW transforms the young into the aged. Battle scars adorn players as make-up artists place base, grease and powder on the actors. Each play, every scene, requires some kind of make-up. Make-up adds to what the audience is asked to believe. It is the final “mask” for the actors to use in their performances.

A stage can be completely dark and still be considered to be “lit”. The LIGHTING CREW, as all crews, must be totally aware of the plays’ intent to determine when light and dark are most appropriate. However, lighting is more than just turning on lights. It is a feeling for when to turn them on; where to place them for the best affect; how many to use in a certain scene; what intensity to use and what colors to place on instruments. A performance is polished by the setting and use of lighting.

An empty stage can become a massive castle, a small home, a field or an ocean as the CARPENTERS build sets.You will use wood, Styrofoam, metal, glass, anything that can be put together for form an illusion. Everything that is done by the carpenters is determined by where we want the audience to think the actors are as they play their parts. A set can be as little as a single board painted as a sign to a stage filled from side to side, front to back, with intricate pieces in elaborate detail. Whichever it is, the carpenters lay out the plan and build the set as their contribution to the total production.

USHERS are the vanguard of a performance. You set the atmosphere for our audience. You will let our patrons know that we are pleased to have them as guests for the evening. You are their first impression of the efforts we have taken for their enjoyment.

Sponsor: Mrs. Morris
For more information on any of the above theatre-related opportunities, please email the sponsor.



These clubs share a common interest in a language not commonly spoken in our country. The clubs study the social customs of their respective countries, putting their study to practical use during holiday seasons. Each club meets about once a month. The clubs raise funds for their own activities.


AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE CLUB (ASL CLUB)  is a group of students that are interested in learning American Sign Language, appreciating Deaf culture and bridging the language barrier one sign at a time. We discuss linguistics, watch movies and study culture. They meet every other Tuesdays please contact Mrs. Mundell for further information. 
Mrs. Mundell
For more information, please email the sponsor.


FRENCH CLUB is a social organization which is an extension of the classroom in which students participate in many activities including fundraising for a trip to France and various other club sponsored parties. Activities include celebrating MardiGras, Christmas a la francaise, enrichment trips to Chicago to eat in French restaurants, see French films, and visit French cooking schools.
Sponsor: Mme Hagerman & Mme Orosz
For more information, please email the sponsor.


GERMAN CLUB (Deutschklub) is a large group of approx. 75 students that share a passion for all things German!  Input from German Club members is always used to determine club activities, but some of the traditional events are:  participation in the fall Homecoming Parade, Movie Night, Oktoberfest Party, Chicago Christkindlmarkt trip, Gingerbread House building at the holidays, tutoring help, and the annual World Language Olympics & Picnic.  The German Club was the co-champion of the first ever World Language Olympics!  We also love doing events with our other World Language clubs!  German Club also does fundraising to contribute to the foreign language scholarship fund, and individual members can also raise money to help pay for their trip to Germany with our annual GAPP (German American Partnership Program) Exchange.
Sponsors: Herr Knauff and Herr Martinson
For more information, please email the sponsor.


JAPANESE CLUB has taken trips to the Japanese Mall, restaurants, the Art Institute, and a Buddhist temple in Chicago. In addition, the club held traditional end of the year parties and hosted a Japan Festival for middle school students. Preparations are now being made for a trip to Japan.
Sponsor: Mrs. Tsugawa
For more information, please email the sponsor.


SPANISH CLUB is great way to meet other students taking the language and to experience different cultures around the world!  Spanish Club meets once a month after school; the event varies each month.  The events vary and, of course, food is always included!  Some activities we did recently include:  a day trip to the Pilsen neighborhood in Chicago (a primarily Mexican neighborhood); dinner at the Spanish Don Quijote Restaurant in Valparaiso, a traditional Puerto Rican cooking demonstration by a professional cook, piñata wars, and salsa dancing lessons.  We look forward to seeing you this school year!  
Sponsor: Mrs. Arizzi & Mrs. Weil 
For more information, please email the Sponsor.