Student Announcements
There will be no Dungeons and Dragons Club Tuesday February 18th.
The Library's Seventh Annual Reading Retreat is coming up February 26 and 27! If you want to skip class, with teacher permission, eat snacks, and read, all while supporting a good cause, stop by the library to find out more.
Attention Trail Bound. Your February payment is due to Mr. DeRuntz by February 20th."
CHS Children's Play Auditions are here!Day #2 of auditions HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED for Tuesday, February 18th from 4pm to 6pm in the LGI room. Audition slides for interested students can be picked up in the main office. The shows will be held April 24-26 . If you'd like more information prior to the audition, don't hesitate to email
Attention seniors: if you are interested in being the student speaker at graduation, please see Miss Roberts in Room B548 to sign up for an audition time and more information.
The Library's Seventh Annual Reading Retreat is coming up February 26 and 27! If you want to skip class, with teacher permission, eat snacks, and read, all while supporting a good cause, stop by the library to find out more.
Attention Trail Bound. Your February payment is due to Mr. DeRuntz by February 20th."
CHS Children's Play Auditions are hereAuditions will be held in the LGI room TODAY from 4pm to 6pm. The shows will be held April 24-26 . If you'd like more information prior to the audition, don't hesitate to email
Attention seniors: if you are interested in being the student speaker at graduation, please see Miss Roberts in Room B548 to sign up for an audition time and more information.
Hello CHS! The Junior Class of Student Government is selling ducks! Come buy a rubber duck for $2, write a message, and send it to someone at CHS you appreciate. Final day to purchase. Ducks will be delivered during SRT on Thursday, 2/13.
Self Care Club will have its next meeting TODAY after school in Mr. Smith’s room (C-570). All are welcome.
The Library's Seventh Annual Reading Retreat is coming up February 26 and 27! If you want to skip class, with teacher permission, eat snacks, and read, all while supporting a good cause, stop by the library to find out more.
Attention Trail Bound. Your February payment is due to Mr. DeRuntz by this Thursday, February 13."
Anime Club will be meeting TODAY after school at the library. If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Tsugawa.
CHS Children's Play Auditions are hereAuditions will be held in the LGI room on Tuesday, February 11 and Wednesday, February 12 from 4 - 6 p.m. You can get a side to prepare for the audition at the office or when you arrive for the audition. The shows will be held April 24-26 and we will be doing Bedtime Stories (As Told by Our Dad) (Who Messed Them Up) by Ed Monk. If you'd like more information prior to the audition, don't hesitate to email
-Please visit the Culver's of Chesterton TODAY. They will donate 10% to the Save Promise Club to help support the SaySomething cause. Please make sure you let the cashier know you are there for a kickback to donate to the Save Promise Club.
Attention seniors: if you are interested in being the student speaker at graduation, please see Miss Roberts in Room B548 to sign up for an audition time and more information.
Hello CHS! The Junior Class of Student Government will be putting on a Valentine's Day fundraiser from now to Wednesday, 2/12. Come buy a rubber duck for $2, write a message, and send it to someone at CHS you appreciate. Ducks will be delivered during SRT on Thursday, 2/13. Ducks will be sold during all lunches. Spread a little bit more love into the world through a cute rubber duck!
Self Care Club will have its next meeting on Wednesday, 2/12, after school in Mr. Smith’s room (C-570). All are welcome.
Audition for the 2025 CHS Children's Play! Auditions will be held in the LGI room on Tuesday, February 11 and Wednesday, February 12 from 4 - 6 p.m. You can get a side to prepare for the audition at the office or when you arrive for the audition. The shows will be held April 24-26 and we will be doing Bedtime Stories (As Told by Our Dad) (Who Messed Them Up) by Ed Monk. If you'd like more information prior to the audition, don't hesitate to email
Tuesday-Feb. 11-Please visit the Culver's of Chesterton. They will donate 10% to the Save Promise Club to help support the SaySomething cause. Please make sure you let the cashier know you are there for a kickback to donate to the Save Promise Club.
The next meeting of the Fiber Arts Club will be TODAY from 3:15-4:15. Room A113. All are welcome.
Attention seniors: if you are interested in being the student speaker at graduation, please see Miss Roberts in Room B548 to sign up for an audition time and more information.
Auditions for the 2025 CHS Children's Play!Auditions will be held in the LGI room on Tuesday February 11th and Wednesday February 12th from 4pm to 6pm. You can get a side to prepare for the audition at the office or when you arrive for the audition. The shows will be held April 24-26 and we will be doing Bedtime Stories (As Told by Our Dad) (Who Messed Them Up) by Ed Monk.If you'd like more information prior to the audition, don't hesitate to email
Hear that? It's the swingin' sounds of the Big Band era for CHS's most unique semi-formal dance: Big Band Bash! This Saturday evening the CHS Jazz Program will provide over two hours of live music in the CHS Cafeteria for you to enjoy while cutting a rug in your best 30's, 40's, or 50's attire! The dance starts at 7pm with a free group swing dance lesson beforehand at 6:30! Student tickets are only $15 and are available at the door!
Next Tuesday-Feb. 11-Please visit the Culver's of Chesterton. They will donate 10% to the Save Promise Club to help support the SaySomething cause. Please make sure you let the cashier know you are there for a kickback to donate to the Save Promise Club.
The next meeting of the Fiber Arts Club will be Monday, Feb. 10 from 3:15-4:15. Room A113. All are welcome.
Attention seniors: if you are interested in being the student speaker at graduation, please see Miss Roberts in Room B548 to sign up for an audition time and more information.
If you ordered a Senior yard sign, they are available for pick up in the Main Office .